Впровадження безпеки на всіх етапах розвитку бізнесу

Security is an absolute necessity to consider and lead an economic Development project on a new Market. Lafayette Risk Intelligence contributes to create the optimal conditions for French and European companies to develop on the Ukrainian Market


From economic strategy to project implementation & logistics

Economic development projects need different areas of expertise, from the strategy and analysis of the context to the actual logistics of the project. Lafayette Risk
Management supports you all long the way and at any stage of your economic development project.

« Security should not be an occasional concern, it should be part of Company culture. Each person, from the CEO to the intern, has a crucial role to play in protecting the company, its clients and its reputation.

Thomas Moreau

Founding Director, Lafayette Risk Intelligence



Fighting airborne contagion at Ipag Ukraine

The Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology of Ukraine welcomes patients with infectious and contagious diseases that, in times of war, have a higher risk of spreading. Lafayette Risk Intelligence implemented Air purifying solutions in high risk areas at the Institute.

Nestlé Ukraine

Providing protection for Nestlé employees in Ukraine

Nestlé Ukraine was faced with a problem arising from the outbreak of war and Russian bombing raids throughout Ukraine. As they had no underground safe zone, they asked Lafayette Risk Intelligence teams to find an effective solution.


Meet our team of risk intelligence experts

Whatever the stage in which your project is, kick-off or Development, our team propose solutions that are tailored to your ambitions and that take local challenges into account. The reactivity and creativity of Lafayette Risk Intelligence teams enable us to both respond to urgent challenges as well as support your project in the long term.